Sunday, April 29, 2007

I got Elements. Now I have to learn how to use it.

Saturday, April 28

Today was the baseball parade and opening ceremony for Little League.

It's the General Lee!

Friday, April 27

Science class in the park.

Thursday April 26

Max with his writing class, reciting his poetry at a coffee house.

Strolling the town.

Wednesday April 25

Adilia put this together.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My house is haunted and now I have proof.

Thanks Jess.

Monday April 23

My brother and his family came over for a cook out since it was 80+ degrees out. What a difference from last Monday!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

I know you all REALLY wanted to see this. It is what consumed our day though. We put her in a stroller and treated her like a queen.

Saturday, April 21

We had an eventful day. This is Susana. She dropped a rock the size of her head on her foot. She ended up with five stitches. I'm pretty sure this was the most pain I have ever seen any of my kids in. Oh - and joy - it only took the hospital 4 HOURS to take care of her. No wait, they did give her Motrin when we got there. Ice would have been nice. As is was, she cried (biting her fingers) for 2+ hours, and when she finally calmed down the nurse came in. Whatever, I'm just mad because my baby was in pain.

Friday, April 20

TJ trying to steal home after being hit in the arm and walking to first, stealing 2nd AND 3rd. He never made it home because the next three batters struck out.

Wednesday April 17

Tuesday April 17

That is the question...

Monday April 16

Global Warming - yeah right!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

It POURED all day. Our front walkway had a few inches, so we let Spike go for a swim.

Saturday, April 14

Thursday April 12

Thank you mom for AAA. (hehe Max 's response when I said AAA was coming - "I thought AAA was a battery!")
Yup - I'm a moron. I ran out of gas on 202 WAY down in Delaware county.

Wednesday April 12

She did this herself, I was impressed.

Tuesday April 10

Susana hasn't wanted to go to bed without me...this is the result.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Sunday April 8


This is what most of them looked like.

BIG little brother.

Saturday, April 7

Went to an Easter egg hunt today.

and Susana won the biggest prize!

Friday, April 6

We dyed Easter eggs today.

This is Adilia's shot.

So is this...once again I am thankful for this project. If not for 365 I would have just thought she was being weird, wasting my batteries. Now that I've seen other people's pictures, I see the art in hers.

Today is Tomas's birthday.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Not sure if I took this. TJ might have. Adilia has been calling herself the purple people eater all day. Anyway, in case this is not my picture, here's my lame attempt at capturing the snowfall.

Wednesday April 5

Peace offering.

Tuesday April 3

I was TRYING to capture the rain. BzzQuack jumped into the picture.

Monday April 2

Look what the cat dragged in...

And joy of all joys...the mother?

Sunday April 1

Saturday, March 31

Not positive it was actually Saturday yet, but I need it to have been, therefor it was.

Friday, March 30

Jess and I went out tonight and afterwards chatted in my "living room" van. I can't figure out why it looks like she's holding a banana.